Our Library: Books
Below are recommended books, publications, and other scholarly resources for all things related to Agent Orange, Dioxin, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, veterans, and more!
The Long Reckoning: A Story of War, Peace, and Redemption in Vietnam
In The Long Reckoning, George Black recounts the inspirational story of the small cast of characters—veterans, scientists, and Quaker-inspired pacifists, and their Vietnamese partners—who used their moral authority, scientific and political ingenuity, and sheer persistence to attempt to heal the horrors that were left in the wake of the military engagement in Southeast Asia.
Operation Ranch Hand: The Air Force and Herbicides in Southeast Asia, 1961-1971
This book, written by William A. Buckingham Jr., is a study of the process by which herbicidal military policy was made in Southeast Asia. The author relates the intense controversy over the effects of the Agent Orange spraying program.
Waiting for an Army to Die: The Tragedy of Agent Orange
Waiting for an Army to Die: The Tragedy of Agent Orange—the first book ever written on the effects of Agent Orange, Fred A. Wilcox—tells the stories of hundreds of thousands of former American servicemen who fought in the U.S. war in Vietnam.
From Enemies to Partners: Vietnam, the U.S. and Agent Orange
Authors Dr. Le Ke Son and Dr. Charles R. Bailey outline, in From Enemies to Partners, the moral reasoning for a fuller American response and present further steps the United States and Vietnam can each take in a joint humanitarian initiative to resolve the legacy of Agent Orange and Dioxin in Vietnam. They address the critical issues of Dioxin pollution in Vietnam, what needs to be done to finish the job of cleanup, and more.
Trespass Against Us: Dow Chemical & The Toxic Century
From its “accident” at Bhopal by its Union Carbide company to Agent Orange, from Napalm to Plutonium, Dow Chemical has been at the center of many of the worst chemical disasters in history. In this explosive exposé of the chemical giant, Jack Doyle reviews the legacy and the future of this gigantic chemical octopus.
Agent Orange: History, Science, and the Politics of Uncertainty (Culture and Politics in the Cold War and Beyond)
Taking on what one former U.S. ambassador called “the last ghost of the Vietnam War,” this book, written by Edwin A. Martini, examines the far-reaching impact of Agent Orange, the most infamous of the dioxin-contaminated herbicides used by American forces in Southeast Asia.
The Dioxin War: Truth and Lies About a Perfect Poison
The Dioxin War is the story of the people who fought to reveal the truth about dioxin. Huge multinationals Dow and Monsanto both manufactured Agent Orange. Robert Allen reveals the attempts by the chemical industry, in collusion with regulatory and health authorities, to cover up the true impact of Dioxin on human health.
Veterans and Agent Orange
The latest in a series of congressionally mandated biennial reviews of the evidence of health problems that may be linked to exposure to Agent Orange and other herbicides used during the Vietnam War found sufficient evidence of an association for hypertension and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. The committee that carried out the study and wrote the report, "Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 11 (2018)," focused on the scientific literature.
Dioxins and Health: Including Other Persistent Organic Pollutants and Endocrine Disruptors
Now in its third edition, Dioxins and Health, written by Arnold Schecter, is the most respected reference of its kind, presenting the latest scientific findings on Dioxins, dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls and related compounds, and their impact on human health and other toxicological effects.